stick A pilot's directional controller. Stinger A U.S. short-range, infrared-guided, surface-to- air missile. STOL Short Takeoff and Landing. stores Anything that can be loaded onto an aircraft. Stratofortress Boeing B-52. Su Sukhoi -- Russian aircraft design bureau named after Pavel O. Sukhoi and specializing in fighter aircraft. surf. limit. Surface limiter -- A device engaged during high-speed flight to limit travel of a jet's control surfaces. swing wing A variable geometry wing. tachometer An instrument which indicates the speed of rotation of an engine in revolutions per minute. (See RPM.) TACTS Tactical Air Combat Training System. tailhook The device which is lowered from the tail of a carrier-based aircraft during the landing approach. It catches the arresting cable. takeoff booster Rocket used to assist the Me 262 during takeoff. TAS True Airspeed. 38th parallel A convenient cartographic line used to divide Korea in half at the end of World War II. The Soviet Union accepted the surrender of